
Diane Da Luz

Managing Director / BDM Property Management

About Diane Da Luz

With extensive experience in public relations, event management and corporate communications Diane’s ability to position herself in a wide networking capacity has provided her with a broad knowledge of marketing and promotion.

Diane has worked at the City of Fremantle as Public Relations Officer during the America’s cup period, and actively engaged in various local government polling campaigns and worked with numerous community groups over the years. This has provided the foundation for her various roles in the real estate industry.

From Personal Assistant to her husband John Da Luz, to Advertising Marketing role with a previous real estate group, her role has developed to Sales/Marketing Manager a vital role in the operations for SCOOP Property. This has provided her with an opportunity to develop the business and create a fresh, passionate and independent brand with the support of a forward thinking management group and team.

As a mother of four, Diane’s commitment to real estate extends to her home life and her proudest achievement, her family who have supported and are actively involved with this dynamic and ambitious agency.

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